2,141 research outputs found

    Secondary task for full flight simulation incorporating tasks that commonly cause pilot error: Time estimation

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    The task of time estimation, an activity occasionally performed by pilots during actual flight, was investigated with the objective of providing human factors investigators with an unobtrusive and minimally loading additional task that is sensitive to differences in flying conditions and flight instrumentation associated with the main task of piloting an aircraft simulator. Previous research indicated that the duration and consistency of time estimates is associated with the cognitive, perceptual, and motor loads imposed by concurrent simple tasks. The relationships between the length and variability of time estimates and concurrent task variables under a more complex situation involving simulated flight were clarified. The wrap-around effect with respect to baseline duration, a consequence of mode switching at intermediate levels of concurrent task distraction, should contribute substantially to estimate variability and have a complex effect on the shape of the resulting distribution of estimates

    Non-equilibrium conductance of a three-terminal quantum dot in the Kondo regime: Perturbative Renormalization Group

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    Motivated by recent experiments, we consider a single-electron transistor in the Kondo regime which is coupled to three leads in the presence of large bias voltages. Such a steady-state non-equilibrium system is to a large extent governed by a decoherence rate induced by the current through the dot. As the two-terminal conductance turns out to be rather insensitive to the decoherence rate, we study the conductance in a three-terminal device using perturbative renormalization group and calculate the characteristic splitting of the Kondo resonance. The interplay between potential biases and anisotropy in coupling to the three leads determines the decoherence rate and the conditions for strong coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Sign change of the Grueneisen parameter and magnetocaloric effect near quantum critical points

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    We consider the Grueneisen parameter and the magnetocaloric effect near a pressure and magnetic field controlled quantum critical point, respectively. Generically, the Grueneisen parameter (and the thermal expansion) displays a characteristic sign change close to the quantum-critical point signaling an accumulation of entropy. If the quantum critical point is the endpoint of a line of finite temperature phase transitions, T_c \propto (p_c-p)^Psi, then we obtain for p<p_c, (1) a characteristic increase \Gamma \sim T^{-1/(\nu z)} of the Grueneisen parameter Gamma for T>T_c, (2) a sign change in the Ginzburg regime of the classical transition, (3) possibly a peak at T_c, (4) a second increase Gamma \sim -T^{-1/(nu z)} below T_c for systems above the upper critical dimension and (5) a saturation of Gamma \propto 1/(p_c-p). We argue that due to the characteristic divergencies and sign changes the thermal expansion, the Grueneisen parameter and magnetocaloric effect are excellent tools to detect and identify putative quantum critical points.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; final version, only minor change

    Heat transport of clean spin-ladders coupled to phonons: Umklapp scattering and drag

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    We study the low-temperature heat transport in clean two-leg spin ladder compounds coupled to three-dimensional phonons. We argue that the very large heat conductivities observed in such systems can be traced back to the existence of approximate symmetries and corresponding weakly violated conservation laws of the effective (gapful) low--energy model, namely pseudo-momenta. Depending on the ratios of spin gaps and Debye energy and on the temperature, the magnetic contribution to the heat conductivity can be positive or negative, and exhibit an activated or anti-activated behavior. In most regimes, the magnetic heat conductivity is dominated by the spin-phonon drag: the excitations of the two subsystems have almost the same drift velocity, and this allows for an estimate of the ratio of the magnetic and phononic contributions to the heat conductivity.Comment: revised version, 8 pages, 3 figures, added appendi

    Making a market for Miscanthus: Can new contract designs solve the biofuel investment hold-up problem?

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    We present designs for optimal contracts to solve the investment hold-up problem for perennial crops for the biofuel industry. A fixed-price contract is ex-ante efficient but renegotiation-proof for a limited range of discount parameters. A perfectly- indexed contract is both renegotiation-proof and ex-post efficient. Provided long-run land prices are stationary, the expected cost for both contracts converges to the long-run expected price of land for a risk-neutral farmer.Biofuels, Miscanthus, contract theory, industrial organization, renegotiation-proof contract, Marketing,

    Field-tuned quantum critical point of antiferromagnetic metals

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    A magnetic field applied to a three-dimensional antiferromagnetic metal can destroy the long-range order and thereby induce a quantum critical point. Such field-induced quantum critical behavior is the focus of many recent experiments. We investigate theoretically the quantum critical behavior of clean antiferromagnetic metals subject to a static, spatially uniform external magnetic field. The external field does not only suppress (or induce in some systems) antiferromagnetism but also influences the dynamics of the order parameter by inducing spin precession. This leads to an exactly marginal correction to spin-fluctuation theory. We investigate how the interplay of precession and damping determines the specific heat, magnetization, magnetocaloric effect, susceptibility and scattering rates. We point out that the precession can change the sign of the leading \sqrt{T} correction to the specific heat coefficient c(T)/T and can induce a characteristic maximum in c(T)/T for certain parameters. We argue that the susceptibility \chi =\partial M/\partial B is the thermodynamic quantity which shows the most significant change upon approaching the quantum critical point and which gives experimental access to the (dangerously irrelevant) spin-spin interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Large thermomagnetic effects in weakly disordered Heisenberg chains

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    The interplay of different scattering mechanisms can lead to novel effects in transport. We show theoretically that the interplay of weak impurity and Umklapp scattering in spin-1/2 chains leads to a pronounced dip in the magnetic field dependence of the thermal conductivity κ\kappa at a magnetic field B∼TB \sim T. In sufficiently clean samples, the reduction of the magnetic contribution to heat transport can easily become larger than 50% and the effect is predicted to exist even in samples with a large exchange coupling, J >> B, where the field-induced magnetization is small. Qualitatively, our theory might explain dips at B∼TB \sim T observed in recent heat transport measurements on copper pyrazine dinitrate, but a fully quantitative description is not possible within our model.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Low-temperature ordered phases of the spin-12\frac{1}{2} XXZ chain system Cs2_2CoCl4_4

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    In this study the magnetic order of the spin-1/2 XXZ chain system Cs2_2CoCl4_4 in a temperature range from 50 mK to 0.5 K and in applied magnetic fields up to 3.5 T is investigated by high-resolution measurements of the thermal expansion and the specific heat. Applying magnetic fields along a or c suppresses TNT_\textrm{N} completely at about 2.1 T. In addition, we find an adjacent intermediate phase before the magnetization saturates close to 2.5 T. For magnetic fields applied along b, a surprisingly rich phase diagram arises. Two additional transitions are observed at critical fields μ0HSF1≃0.25\mu_0 H_{SF1}\simeq 0.25 T and μ0HSF2≃0.7\mu_0 H_{SF2}\simeq 0.7 T, which we propose to arise from a two-stage spin-flop transition.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure
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